What Is Sustainable Design – Concept & Principles

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Sustainable design is the new rave for building design that’s gaining fast acceptance across the world. It adheres to certain basic objectives, sustainable design principles, and operational and maintenance practices and promotes environmental sustainability. Sustainable design also comes with numerous benefits – it improves building performance, enhances the comfort and […]

Canadian Companies Unite Toward Faster Recovery

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COVID-19 has brought an unsuspecting tsunami of problems to all nations. The people’s way of life suddenly changed within just a matter of days, and the most likely issue, aside from survival, is recovery. On that note, Canada’s efforts on recovering from the ongoing pandemic remain to be resiliently aligning […]

Canada’s Ways to “Build Back Better”

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COVID-19 sure did quite a damage to the world economy, and it is likely to continue to do more for some time. As for Canada, instead of “band-aid” solutions, a more forward-thinking approach is applied. Sustainability Canada is looking to push the country towards the economy it deserves – a […]

Businesses Aligned to Climate Goals Have Federal Support

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The policy director of Clean Energy Canada, Sarah Petrevan, had given a statement regarding the announcement of the prime minister about the new path to financing measures supporting mid-scale and large-scale Canadian businesses. It includes the requirement of developing strategies to continuously meeting the climate and clean energy goals. According […]